Saturday, July 7, 2018

You know, one one of those things.

Perhaps a new carnival ride.

Speed Graphic, Graflex 135mm Optar f4.7, expired Arista EDU 100 film, yellow filter.

One has gone missing....

Door #2

Speed Graphic, Graflex Optar 135mm f4.7, expired Arista EDU 100 film, yellow filter.


Reflected Dreams

Speed Graphic, Graflex 135mm Optar f4.7, expired Arista EDU 4x5 film.

A Workhorse

New Horizon

Speed Graphic, Graflex Optar f4.7expired, Arista EDU 100 4x5 film, yellow filter.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Electrical Doubles....

Amusement with the D500 - double exposure mode.

The Lair



Stepping Out

Beaming Gaze
